Esatto... e anche su questo punto la sentenza riporta la solita frase di circostanza che non vale niente:147power":zhzdiudz ha detto:Inoltre, il know-how accumulato potrà essere sfruttato anche nella stagione prossima.
Per quanto l'evoluzione in F1 sia rapidissima, hanno in ogni caso delle basi da cui sviluppare altre soluzioni.
In addition, in the interest of ensuring that McLaren is not unfairly advantaged as against any of its competitors in the 2008 Championship, the WMSC instructs the FIA technical department to conduct an investigation of McLaren’s preparatory work on its 2008 car with a view to determining whether that car incorporates any Ferrari confidential information and report back before the WMSC meeting of December 2007. Once the WMSC has considered this report, a separate Decision will be taken regarding McLaren’s participation in the 2008 Championship, including whether any penalty should be imposed. This present Decision does not in any way affect McLaren’s entitlement to participate in the 2008 Championship if the entry conditions are fulfilled.
Davvero credo che piuttosto che dire certe cose sarebbe meglio tacere.