Alfa Romeo: modelli e programmi futuri. discutiamone

gabry3x":to2g8kr0 ha detto:
ma avete visto che razza di commenti ci sono??

Si, e sinceramente non mi stupisce... la percezione che si ha dall'esterno della situazione, per quanto sbagliata sia, e' quella, con gli attuali a difendere il marchio e l'italianita' ed i tedeschi cattivi che vengono alla conquista del mondo.
Come girano realmente le cose lo si capisce solo quando ti interessi, e dopo essere entrati in contatto con chi ne sa e lo spiega (vedi appassionati, forum e compagnia, e da qui si capisce molto bene il termine di "rompic..." affibbiato da qualcuno).
Ti assicuro che gia' se sei un appassionato di auto, ma non ti interessi in maniera specifica ad Alfa si coglie poco.. ti lascio pensare poi se sei uno a cui magari di auto te ne frega poco e niente.
Anche perche' oggettivamente diversi aspetti della cosa sono talmente assurdi e fuori da ogni grazia del cielo che quando lo racconti rischi pure che non ti credano.
Gentleman_Driver":1ld6we4i ha detto:
Quanto fermento e quante ispirazioni questo marchio è in grado ancora di suscitare, che pena per la sua "prigionia" nel gruppo FIAT !'altra+super+Alfa

Come è bella la matematica:


Se tu fossi fra i miei amici di facebook ci potresti arrivare...... (alla seconda)

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più uno

C_3_Media_1189174_immagine_newsdet.jpg ... super+Alfa


Facciamo ad esempio finta che si veda a Ginevra una TZ3..... che in qualche esemplare è stata costruita. Cosa significherebbe? Nulla.....
basti solo guardare cos'era Seat e cos'era Skoda prima di passare sotto mano VW...anche se, dall'altro lato della medaglia, ci sarebbe il rischio di condividere pianali e motori con tutto il resto del probabilita' c'e' purtroppo. Passare da Alfiat ad Alfag non mi allieterebbe piu' di tanto. Spererei proprio che invece lavorassero esattamente come hanno fatto con Bugatti e Lamborghini. Facessero cosi' anche con tutto il resto che in Italia non funziona, sarei ben contento, ma sto andando OT :D
STILEITALIA":q5j1cujv ha detto:
basti solo guardare cos'era Seat e cos'era Skoda prima di passare sotto mano VW...anche se, dall'altro lato della medaglia, ci sarebbe il rischio di condividere pianali e motori con tutto il resto del probabilita' c'e' purtroppo. Passare da Alfiat ad Alfag non mi allieterebbe piu' di tanto. Spererei proprio che invece lavorassero esattamente come hanno fatto con Bugatti e Lamborghini. Facessero cosi' anche con tutto il resto che in Italia non funziona, sarei ben contento, ma sto andando OT :D
Pensi non lo facciano?I tedeschi hanno il culto dell'auto,Alfa sarebbe per loro un'ennesima e succulenta occasione,servita su un piatto d'argento...
Certo che la coerenza è proprio una bella cosa!
Si va a cianciare che "ah ma userebbero pianali Audi o VW" no ma perchè LA FIAT CHE ****Edit da STAFF: alla prossima account sospeso! HA FATTO FINORA E CHE ****Edit da STAFF: alla prossima account sospeso! VUOL FARE, con una gamma poi RI DI CO LA?

Perintanto il fronte "marchionne superstar" si incrina ancora, e sempre più gente dimostra di avere del cervello. Oggi in email mi trovo questo:

By Giancarlo Perini ©
I think it is time for Sergio Marchionne to present a gift to Italy, to his shareholders and to himself: sell Alfa Romeo to Volkswagen as soon as possible. At the best possible price, sure but without wasting time.
By selling now SM will avoid the embarrassment of missing to deliver what he has announced: sell half a million Alfa Romeo by 2015. There is no way he can do it, unless he is thinking of a range of Chrysler derivatives that would carry the Alfa Romeo shield but would be rebadged Chrysler. This can work for Lancia. Not for Alfa Romeo.
The problem here is not that Alfa Romeo and Chrysler need some time and money to design and engineers new car. The problem would be the sale and service network. It takes more time to build this than to deliver a sexy and very attractive car with the virtues expected from an Alfa Romeo and the quality of any premium car.
But there is much more to it.
To keep Volkswagen anxiously waiting for the transaction might – perhaps - grant Fiat Group Automobiles (not Sergio Marchionne) a slightly higher income, but how much would any further delay costs to the Italian economy and the Fiat Group Automobiles employees?
It is time for Fiat and S.M. (Sergio Marchionne not Sua Maestà, Italian for His Majesty) to re-establish a friendship feeling with Italians and its own market, after too many years of a love-hate affair that is increasingly turning sour day after day.
The sentiment that a significant share of Italian citizens and buyers, union leaders and politicians are critical towards Fiat became vehemently obvious recently, after SM spoke to a most successful and popular talk show. What he said was absolutely right, pragmatic and factual.
But it was too straight perhaps, and positively out of its historic perspective. Looking at today and tomorrow, Marchionne ignored the past that has actually shaped the fortunes (and misfortunes) of Fiat, the Italian governments and politicians as well as the workers unions. What he said did not please a certain audience.
His statements on the lack of stability, the hardship for the industry to compete in a country that ranks 118 in a list of 139 for labour efficiency and 48th for the competitiveness of its industrial system or the risk associated with a share of work-force that is not taking seriously its obligation to perform and go to work according to their contract (on some peculiar days –
reads foot-ball matches and similar events – up to 50% of the work force fail to go to work and report to be “sick”) were considered “not politically correct”.
The claims were factual and responsible. What created scandal and furious reactions was Marchionne statement about the risk that Fiat (he) might eventually be forced by the circumstances to detour a € 400 m. investment for the production of the new Fiat Panda in Pomigliano (the factory close to Naples which used to build Alfa Romeos and would build Fiat in the future) elsewhere.
The day after the talk show SM was not portrayed like a hero (as he has been for long time in the past year and as he should probably be portrayed today) but as a sort of “cynic traitor” that was not talking “as an Italian”.
More recently SM has announced plans for the Mirafiori plant in Fiat hometown Turin. A new 40/60 Chrysler-Fiat JV would be established for the production of some 250 to 280 thousands Chrysler and Alfa Romeo cars, SUVs and Crossovers per year, with an investment of € 1bn (some € 1.3bn). It is a very welcome news but soon Marchionne and the unions crossed each other and SM did not wait to state he has “a couple of Plan B” options and is not on “someone else clock”.
Well, as soon as Fiat’s management and the union met to discuss the plan and the workers’ contract, they called off the meeting because of too different views on key issues such as the transfer of the plant to a NewCo and the “national contract”
Within this setting, one step towards a new friendship with Italians would be to remember that Alfa Romeo was acquired by Fiat at what can be defined “cost zero” (as it was – in different circumstances - the case with Lancia) even though a payment had been agreed to me made years after the sale at a time of double digits inflation, and after Fiat has cashed substantial “financial contributions” from the Italian State (which eventually was forced by politician and workers unions to sell to Alfa Romeo rather than Ford).
It is useless to say, here again, that the history of the Italian motor industry through the past 25 years would have been quite different if Ford had bought Alfa Romeo. The competition would have certainly forced Fiat to do better in every respect, starting from the quality of its management (and some managers), its products, its suppliers base and its sales network, making it a stronger competitor on the international arena.
Perhaps SM does not know, or does not want to know the dealing and wheeling Fiat orchestrated with politicians to prevent Ford establishing a production base in Italy. Nor does he seem to know the many and many promises Fiat committed to, before his time, and never kept. Closing factories and creating unemployment. Not to mention investigations into alleged bribery (that could not be proved)
This is why, considering past and present circumstances it would be a very elegant and fully justified move for Fiat to actually return to Italians the extra income of the Alfa Romeo sale to Volkswagen. Obviously I would not go as far as to ask for such a “beau gets”.
I would just be satisfied to see Alfa Romeo being assigned to a new family that has the love and means to grant this sick child with the potential of a champion and a bright future, with no further delay.
After all this would be just what happened to Chrysler when SM and the Elkann (Agnelli’s heirs) family accepted the challenge to take care of it.
Back to business, it makes more sense to look at this option from a very pragmatic perspective in typical so SM style.
By selling Alfa Romeo NOW, SM would also present a very precious gift to himself. He has proved he is a financial wiz, a very honest and ethical man, a very hard worker and a creative strategist. He is much more exposed to risk mistakes when it comes to industry and products strategy and decisions.
His weakness on this front has emerged in the past months, when sales of his cars (no longer supported by eco-incentives all over Europe) have set record declining figures mainly due to he limited range of competitive products and the lack of new products the Fiat Group can offer. Fiat is late, very late.
Probably this is not entirely his fault. It is clear that Fiat’s controlling shareholders have long decided to invest their money in other business but cars and left him with not enough money to invest into a medium and long-term industrial and market strategy.
The Fiat-Chrysler deal was a Marchionne’s work of art he mastered without Fiat’s money so far. Money that he will need to invest, on both side of the Atlantic, in the next couple of years.
Trouble is that Fiat has not all the human, technical and financial resources, plus the time, it needs to develop the sort of products and commercial network required to be competitive as a world player.
Also it has not much time to be ready when the Chinese competition will make the current fierce competition even fiercer, if not irresistible.
By selling Alfa Romeo NOW Fiat:
* Would get a precious couple of billion Euros (or so) to invest in new Fiat and Chrysler vehicle;
* Would be better fit to focus on the other Fiat brands plans its limited human resources; accelerating plans and expanding its range, getting ready for its expansion in new areas;
* Would be more comfortable in seeking the third alliance SM has been looking for since the Opel option was lost.
There is probably only one counter-effect that is slowing down a decision that in Milan many sources give for done: the risk of a very critical reactions from the public at large. To cure the problem, Fiat has all the expertise and tools to prepare the public opinion for the news and in my opinion it is already working on this. However, SM can do even better: concede that the sale will benefit Alfa Romeo and the Italian economy much better than with Fiat at this time and the right thing to do.
End of this report by Giancarlo Perini © Please see additional “Box” on VW projects already on the way.
Arzachena, December 7th, 2010.
VOLKSWAGEN IS READY TO GO WITH THREE NEW ALFA ROMEO PROJECTS. There are so many “Alfisti” and passionate within the VW Group, starting from Ferdinand Karl Piëch to Walter de’ Silva from Luca De Meo to Wolfgang Egger, that the Alfa Romeo revival has already been outlined along a very rational strategy. According to my sources, the Alfa Romeo mission within the VW Group would be similar to that of Audi with a stronger accent on sportiness in a new range of rear wheel drive (and 4x4) cars that would set it apart enough from the front or all wheel drive Audi, and would compete directly with BMW and Mercedes-Benz rear wheel drive cars. The model range has already been sketched and the first design propositions outlined. To start with the new Alfa Romeo era would see a top of the range flagship “Code Alfa 90 project” developed from the VW Phaeton platform but the status of a tall presidential limousine. A couple of steps below there would the so-called “Alfa 1900” developed from the next Audi A6 platform built from the new “modular longitudinal matrix” concept that also allows for rear wheel drive architecture. The third model is referred to as the “New Kajal” first designed at Alfa Romeo under the direction of Wolfgang Egger now in charge of the Audi Group (Including Lamborghini and Seat) design management. Italdesign Maserati Buran (Hi-res on demand) However, the new Alfa Romeo Crossover is reported to be much closer to the Buran concept from Italdesign-Giugiaro built on a Maserati platform. A realistic show car unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in year 2000 as a modern luxury limousine (and still an intellectual property of the Italian design think-thank, now owned by VW Group). End of this report by

Giancarlo Perini © Arzachena, December 7th, 2010.

Ah, per leggere qualcos'altro di Perini.... ... rlo+Perini
<< Volkswagen è pronta con TRE NUOVI PROGETTI ALFA ROMEO. Ci sono così tanti "Alfisti" e appassionati all'interno del Gruppo VW, a partire da Karl Ferdinand Piëch a Walter de 'Silva ,da Luca De Meo a Wolfgang Egger, che il rilancio di Alfa Romeo è già stato delineato con una strategia molto razionale. Secondo le mie fonti, la missione di Alfa Romeo in seno al Gruppo Volkswagen sarebbe simile a quella di Audi con un accento più forte sulla sportività.una nuova gamma a trazione posteriore (e 4x4), e sarebbe in diretta concorrenza con BMW e Mercedes-Benz. >>

fondamentalmente nulla di nuovo. dice che i rimarchiamenti vanno bene per lancia ma non per alfa, che marchionne farebbe bene ad indirizzare l opinione pubblica alla cessione, che l'economia italiana ne gioverebbe, che nel 1986 è stata regalata alla fiat e che con la gestione ford sarebbe stata tutt'altra situazione.

nulla che qui non si è detto francamente.
Il FUSI":2zom52ch ha detto:
Gentleman_Driver":2zom52ch ha detto:
Quanto fermento e quante ispirazioni questo marchio è in grado ancora di suscitare, che pena per la sua "prigionia" nel gruppo FIAT !'altra+super+Alfa

Come è bella la matematica:


Se tu fossi fra i miei amici di facebook ci potresti arrivare...... (alla seconda)

più uno

più uno

C_3_Media_1189174_immagine_newsdet.jpg ... super+Alfa


Facciamo ad esempio finta che si veda a Ginevra una TZ3..... che in qualche esemplare è stata costruita. Cosa significherebbe? Nulla.....

a ok in pratica, quindi, il tz3 in versione meno racing sara' esposto a ginevra ;)
Il FUSI":1r4foeyw ha detto:
gabry3x":1r4foeyw ha detto:
nulla che qui non si è detto francamente.

Qua si. Altrove no e manco così diffusamente sulla carta stampata.

vabbe ma noi (giornalisti) dobbiamo trattare cronaca nera e cronaca politica (fiction comiche)'economia interna è giusto dare notizie flash senza argomentare no?! popolo ignorante,è un bene ;)
FIAT: Parole, parole, parole, parole parole soltanto parole, parole tra noi
ALFA: Ecco il mio destino, parlarti, parlarti come la prima volta
FIAT: Che cosa sei, che cosa sei, che cosa sei,
ALFA: No, non dire nulla, c’è la notte che parla
FIAT: Cosa sei
ALFA: La romantica notte
FIAT: Non cambi mai, non cambi mai, non cambi mai
FIAT: Proprio mai
ALFA: È vero, speranza
FIAT: Nessuno più ti può fermare/ chiamami passione dai, hai visto mai
FIAT: Parole, parole, parole, parole parole soltanto parole, parole tra noi........
166V6TBGPL":4yw8e2wo ha detto:
FIAT: Parole, parole, parole, parole parole soltanto parole, parole tra noi
ALFA: Ecco il mio destino, parlarti, parlarti come la prima volta
FIAT: Che cosa sei, che cosa sei, che cosa sei,
ALFA: No, non dire nulla, c’è la notte che parla
FIAT: Cosa sei
ALFA: La romantica notte
FIAT: Non cambi mai, non cambi mai, non cambi mai
FIAT: Proprio mai
ALFA: È vero, speranza
FIAT: Nessuno più ti può fermare/ chiamami passione dai, hai visto mai
FIAT: Parole, parole, parole, parole parole soltanto parole, parole tra noi........
