Alfa Romeo <b>159</b> scoops together of the past 2 year!

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Nuovo Alfista
29 Dicembre 2004
<b>On request, I posted all the scoops that were taken in the past 2 years from early 2003 to late 2004! Some of you have seen them before or some have never seen them before... Here is the list of ALL scoops together. :nod)

This are the first scoops of project 939 (Alfa 157/158) taken at the Nürburgring in early 2003.

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The next scoops were taken late 2003.
You can clearly see the changes they make within the headlights.

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Then in may 2004, the next scoops!

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Also in may 2004 the upcomming sportwagon!

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Then in june 2004, the first scoops of project 939 without camouflage!

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Some close-ups taken at the entrance of the Nürburging in August!
This time scoops of the interior!

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Taken in Italy late september. Now you can clearly see the Brera styled headlights.

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The project 939 on the road! Taken in late september 2004.

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Scoops taken by night.

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The next pictures are the last scoops ever seen of the upcomming Alfa 157/158. taken late 2004

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Soon I will post more scoops from Italiaspeed. These are scoops taken from the interior and some very close-up of the exterior. ;)

So stay tuned!

Io purtropp non conosco l'inglese sicchè non ti posso rispondere.
Se non fare i complimenti.

A titolo personale la nuova 157 mi piace davvero moltissimo :nod)

Spero di vedere presto l'anteriore senza cammuffature :OK) provo

come richiesto, inserisco le foto-scoop scattate dai primi del 2003 alla fine del 2004 Alcuni di voi li avranno già visti

...progetto 939 (Alfa 157/158) al Nürburgring ai primi del 2003

....foto nel corso del 2003, si possono chiaramente notare i cambi all'interno dei fari.


...sportwagon 2004

...progetto 939 senza camuffamento!

...all'ingresso del Nürburging in agosto

...a settembre in possono notare i fari brera progetto 939 su strada nel september 2004

....scoop di notte

...scatti effettuati verso la fine del 2004 Alfa 157/158

...prossimamente posterò gli scoop da Italiaspeed.
Non vedo l'ora di vederla dal vivo !
Qualcuno aveva postato anche delle foto degli interni, molto dettagliate, su FFZ, qui non mi sembra di averle viste

@mathstar: thank you ! Someone uploaded in the past other pictures about the inner of this car, but i don't see them here :(
giangirm":1v3392y1 ha detto:
Non vedo l'ora di vederla dal vivo !
Qualcuno aveva postato anche delle foto degli interni, molto dettagliate, su FFZ, qui non mi sembra di averle viste

@mathstar: thank you ! Someone uploaded in the past other pictures about the inner of this car, but i don't see them here :(

Yes that's right,... I know where you talking about,.... Those scoops are disapear from the server where they come from so that is the reason.

BUT, Italiaspeed has still some, but Italiaspeed does not support remote linking wich that means that I have to rip them form there and place it on my server wich it does have remote linking. So be patience and I will post them right away.. :)
bello il :culo) ...belle le fiancate muscolose :OK) ....belli gli interni :OK) .....specialmente i pannelli porta!! :OK) ...bellissima la strumentazione e bellissimi i due scarichi.....bellissimo il 3.2 biturbo....manca solo il muso non camuffato :mecry) ....penso avrà solo un difetto.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!! :26)
mathstar":ls16y29g ha detto:
giangirm":ls16y29g ha detto:
Non vedo l'ora di vederla dal vivo !
Qualcuno aveva postato anche delle foto degli interni, molto dettagliate, su FFZ, qui non mi sembra di averle viste

@mathstar: thank you ! Someone uploaded in the past other pictures about the inner of this car, but i don't see them here :(

Yes that's right,... I know where you talking about,.... Those scoops are disapear from the server where they come from so that is the reason.

BUT, Italiaspeed has still some, but Italiaspeed does not support remote linking wich that means that I have to rip them form there and place it on my server wich it does have remote linking. So be patience and I will post them right away.. :)
mathstar":12g5c0i6 ha detto:
giangirm":12g5c0i6 ha detto:
Non vedo l'ora di vederla dal vivo !
Qualcuno aveva postato anche delle foto degli interni, molto dettagliate, su FFZ, qui non mi sembra di averle viste

@mathstar: thank you ! Someone uploaded in the past other pictures about the inner of this car, but i don't see them here :(

Yes that's right,... I know where you talking about,.... Those scoops are disapear from the server where they come from so that is the reason.

BUT, Italiaspeed has still some, but Italiaspeed does not support remote linking wich that means that I have to rip them form there and place it on my server wich it does have remote linking. So be patience and I will post them right away.. :)


I only want to say that you don't have to rip the photos on, because they have only diabilited the right-click on the mouse. So if you have IE6 you only have to go whit the mouse on the picture an after a few seconds it will appear the possibility to save the picture or to print it out. So you save time and quality.

Sorry for my bad English. :mecry2) :mecry2)
Hello mathstar,

your reportage is wonderful.

Guys, the new Alfa 157 is very very beatiful. I think that Giugiaro has been worked very hard for this projetc, and I think that when the new car will be released, it will have a great success.

Janpaul":3opy9byw ha detto:

I only want to say that you don't have to rip the photos on, because they have only diabilited the right-click on the mouse. So if you have IE6 you only have to go whit the mouse on the picture an after a few seconds it will appear the possibility to save the picture or to print it out. So you save time and quality.

Sorry for my bad English. :mecry2) :mecry2)

Yes I know Janpaul,.. but is temporary offline... So it takes some time before I can post those missing scoops... :)

33Boxer":3opy9byw ha detto:
Hello mathstar,

your reportage is wonderful.

Guys, the new Alfa 157 is very very beatiful. I think that Giugiaro has been worked very hard for this projetc, and I think that when the new car will be released, it will have a great success.


Yes it would be bether then the 156, it is bigger, almost the same size like the 166 so that means that it will have more space ;) But the most important of all, it would be more powerfull with his brandnew engine range. For example the new 3.2 VR630 Multijet diesel engine with 250bhp and ofcourse the all new GTA engine wich there is nothing know about it for so far.

Most people who have seen the scoops above are dissapointed about his design because it looks very much the same like the 156. Only the front of the car differs from the 156. But we have to wait for the big surprise party of Alfa Romeo in march at the Geneva motorshow!. Yes the car would be presented at the Geneva motorshow.

Some people here in the Netherlands have asked the manager of Fiat Holland when this car would makes his debute and they tells us that the car would making his debute at the Geneva motorshow in march and the first production ready cars would available in june! That was wonderfull news!

So we all have to wait till march! :elio)
Stamattina mi sono trovato dietro, poi a sinistra :asd) di una ibiza e ho notato la somiglianza delle luci posteriori con quelle montate sulla 157/9 qui sotto.
Persino il profilo finale avviluppante delle luci sui fianchi e il taglio che separa il paraurti dall'ala posteriore sono simili.



Non l'avevo notato prima. Spero che non sia la stessa ditta che fornisce un modello parente di luce posteriore a quello fornito per la Ibiza
Neuropean":3b6y8w3u ha detto:
Stamattina mi sono trovato dietro, poi a sinistra :asd) di una ibiza e ho notato la somiglianza delle luci posteriori con quelle montate sulla 157/9 qui sotto.
Persino il profilo finale avviluppante delle luci sui fianchi e il taglio che separa il paraurti dall'ala posteriore sono simili.

Non l'avevo notato prima. Spero che non sia la stessa ditta che fornisce un modello parente di luce posteriore a quello fornito per la Ibiza

I dont speak Italian but I think that you'r saying that the taillights of the 939 looks the same as the Ibiza.

Yes but dont forget that Alfa was the first one with those styled lights! :nod)
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