Ciao a tutti, 3 mesi fà ho preso la :inocchio) e l'ho presentata (con foto) in questo topic ora ve la ripresento con le modifiche "base" che mi avete consigliato di fare, non ho fatto l'assetto perchè non ho più soldi da spendere :mecry2) e perchè diventerebbe troppo rigida e bassa...
A proposito rispetto le foto che vedete è un po' più bassa (circa 2 cm) perchè le foto le ho fatte dopo averla messa sul ponte per montare la barra "duomi" inferiore e piano piano si stà riabassando...
Le modifiche le leggete in firma. Che ne pensate?
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-03-31
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-03-31
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01
A proposito rispetto le foto che vedete è un po' più bassa (circa 2 cm) perchè le foto le ho fatte dopo averla messa sul ponte per montare la barra "duomi" inferiore e piano piano si stà riabassando...
Le modifiche le leggete in firma. Che ne pensate?

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-03-31

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-03-31

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01

By koala1979, shot with N73 at 2008-04-01