Smart crossblade, l'avete mai vista?


Nuovo Alfista
19 Agosto 2006
Avvistata smart Crossblade...
Non è la prima volta che la vedo in giro per Vercelli.... macchina strana, curiosa e, tanto costosa quanto assolutamente inutile in una città non di mare.
Se non sbaglio il prezzo era di circa 30.000€!
Voi ne avete mai vista una?



:ciao) :ciao)
a roma su via casilina vecchia ce n'è una parcheggiata ad un locale che si chiama "Circolo degli artisti".
Ricordo che dalle mie parti ce n'erano 2. Il prezzo di vendita era 25... milioni pero, uscì unitamente alla prima smart. Credo che ne abbiano vendute venti in tutta italia! :asd)
cuoresportivo86":16vy0mc2 ha detto:
30mila € per quella cosa? :asd) :asd) :asd) :asd)

:crepap) :crepap) :crepap) :crepap) :crepap)

mai vista....

sarà che era una serie limitata, ecco perchè così cara e non si vede in giro :sarcastic)
danielez82":2opiomlz ha detto:
a roma su via casilina vecchia ce n'è una parcheggiata ad un locale che si chiama "Circolo degli artisti".
Ricordo che dalle mie parti ce n'erano 2. Il prezzo di vendita era 25... milioni pero, uscì unitamente alla prima smart. Credo che ne abbiano vendute venti in tutta italia! :asd)

25 milioni di lire? strano! ma non è uscita nel 2001-2002?
Mi ricordo che era una serie limitata.
25 milioni era quasi il prezzo di una smart normale...
mi informo meglio....
:ciao) :ciao)
Per il momento ho trovato solo questo... (in inglese)
L'auto è stata presentata come concept al 71° salone dell'automobile di ginevra nel 2002, mi sembra strano parlare di prezzi in lire, nel 2002 c'era già l'euro!

At the 71st Automobilsalon in Geneva, the Micro Compact Car smart GmbH (MCC smart) will be presenting the study of an open leisure car uncompromisingly designed for blue skies and high spirits. The fun car is an unconventional vehicle which goes by the name of "smart crossblade". In presenting this study, MCC’s design engineers are demonstrating the broad scope of diversity harboured by the smart concept. The concept car does without a roof, doors and a conventional windscreen. Crossblade drivers cruise along in the open air, enjoying the bracing breeze in their face. The "smart crossblade" appeals to active people for whom fitness and dynamism are indispensable attributes of their leisure pursuits. The car is intended to provide these drivers with an exhilarating feeling of motion such as they can otherwise only experience with rollers under their shoes - on roller blades or skateboards.

The colour scheme of the "smart crossblade" also represents a striking departure from the conventional. Its emphatically sporty bodypanels come in a gloss black finish, contrasting with the matt titanium grey powder-coated finish of the TRIDION safety cell. The grilles of the air inlets at the front and the cover for the silencer in the rear spoiler also feature a titanium grey finish. Plastic interior trims in am identical grey tone provide for colour-coordinated highlights. In contrast, the seats feature firey red upholstery. The discrete leather fittings are dyed black. A transparent wind shield which looks like the visor of a helmet is fitted over the cockpit area. The "smart crossblade" has adopted the double elliptical front headlamps from the Cabrio. The special rear lights on the study consist of LED fittings under clear glass covers.

Following the smart roadster and the smart Coup� show cars, this open-air mobile from MCC smart once again demonstrates the diverse range of possibilities embraced by the ultra-compact city car concept. The "smart crossblade" is based on the all-weather, all-seasons Cabrio, but uncompromisingly does without any provisions to afford protection from wind and weather. In developing all key aspects of the prototype, the smart designers and development engineers have accorded due consideration to possible road transport licensing - including the smart safety concept.

The appearance and features of this concept car represent a deliberate departure from the conventional all-round requirements for motor vehicles and underline its clear emphasis on fun and leisure. Its technical concept, on the other hand, retains virtually all the defining attributes of the smart city car concept: The "smart crossblade" is compact, safe and economical, and offers high-quality des

ign and workmanship.

The sporty two-seater is only 2590 millimetres in length. It is 1550 millimetres wide and 1450 millimetres high. Its steel TRIDION safety cell has been provided with panelling in the form of newly designed plastic bodypanels. The car is powered by a three-cylinder turbo engine with a cubic capacity of only 599 cc, offering a power output of 60 HP and a maximum torque of 64 lbs-ft. Together with the automated, sequential six-gear transmission, it forms a drive module which is mounted in front of the rear axle. The exhaust system of the "smart crossblade" ends in twin exhaust pipes which protrude from a recess in the centre of the rear apron. The puristic smart fun mobile runs on size 185/45 R 15 tyres, mounted on seven inch wide aluminium wheels in three-spoke design.

Ho trovato anche questo in italiano....

Debutta a Ginevra la “ghigliottinata” biposto che farà felici gli amanti della guida open air. Peccato che costi 21.000 euro. Gli audaci possono prenotarla da inizio marzo ricordando che sarà prodotta in appena 2.000 pezzi.
Stiamo parlando della Smart Crossblade che debutta in occasione del salone Internazionale dell’Automobile di Ginevra, per poi essere commercializzata – in serie limitata – da giugno.

Giusto in tempo per godersi la stagione calda e stupire chi ci affianca ad un semaforo!
La nuova Smart Spider ricompare quindi sul luogo del delitto (Ginevra) passando da concept car a vettura “in carne ed ossa”.
Il successo riscosso proprio in Svizzera ha convito i capi della Daimler-Chrysler ad osare, mettendo in cantiere questa simpatica quanto originale microcar, che costa però come più di una Peugeot 206 CC 2 litri da 136 CV (offerta a 18.588 Euro, ma la 1600 ne chiede 16.987)!
Per giustificare l’esoso prezzo, i tecnici hanno cercato di differenziarla dalle altre sorelle, mantenendo però la meccanica. Drasticamente privata del tetto e delle stesse porte laterali, la Crossblade non prevede alcuna forma di riparo per gli occupanti, che dovranno quindi premunirsi di cuffia ed occhialini in caso di pioggia. Nessun problema per strumentazione di bordo, sedili ed altre componenti interne in quanto sono rivestite con un materiale idrorepellente.
Il parabrezza è costituito da un foglio di vetroresina assai simile ad un cupolino motociclistico
Nonostante sia stata smembrata, la sicurezza è stata curata attentamente (a patto che gli occupanti non dimentichino di allacciarsi la cintura di sicurezza…) registrando rinforzi sul pianale, sulla cellula, nonchè l’introduzione di roll-bar e pannelli laterali a prova di urto.
Sul versante prestazionale rammentiamo che la potenza massima è salita a 70 cavalli (lavorando sulla centralina), mentre la velocità massima rimane fortunatamente limitata elettronicamente a 135 Km/h.

Degne di nota le “scarpe” della Crossblade, che davanti ospitano infatti pneumatici 195/40 e dietro 215/35. Da record per una microcar da 600 cmc .
Gli interni farebbero la gioia dei tuner tedeschi, grazie alla strumentazione rosso-fuoco con finiture in cuoio abbinate al design “racing” dei sedili.
Certamente simpatica, ma avendo un assegno da 21.000 Euro non esiteremo ad ordinare una 206 CC 2.0 litri full optional !

:ciao) :ciao)
BRT":ty5w1j0x ha detto:
Per il momento ho trovato solo questo... (in inglese)
L'auto è stata presentata come concept al 71° salone dell'automobile di ginevra nel 2002, mi sembra strano parlare di prezzi in lire, nel 2002 c'era già l'euro!

At the 71st Automobilsalon in Geneva, the Micro Compact Car smart GmbH (MCC smart) will be presenting the study of an open leisure car uncompromisingly designed for blue skies and high spirits. The fun car is an unconventional vehicle which goes by the name of "smart crossblade". In presenting this study, MCC’s design engineers are demonstrating the broad scope of diversity harboured by the smart concept. The concept car does without a roof, doors and a conventional windscreen. Crossblade drivers cruise along in the open air, enjoying the bracing breeze in their face. The "smart crossblade" appeals to active people for whom fitness and dynamism are indispensable attributes of their leisure pursuits. The car is intended to provide these drivers with an exhilarating feeling of motion such as they can otherwise only experience with rollers under their shoes - on roller blades or skateboards.

The colour scheme of the "smart crossblade" also represents a striking departure from the conventional. Its emphatically sporty bodypanels come in a gloss black finish, contrasting with the matt titanium grey powder-coated finish of the TRIDION safety cell. The grilles of the air inlets at the front and the cover for the silencer in the rear spoiler also feature a titanium grey finish. Plastic interior trims in am identical grey tone provide for colour-coordinated highlights. In contrast, the seats feature firey red upholstery. The discrete leather fittings are dyed black. A transparent wind shield which looks like the visor of a helmet is fitted over the cockpit area. The "smart crossblade" has adopted the double elliptical front headlamps from the Cabrio. The special rear lights on the study consist of LED fittings under clear glass covers.

Following the smart roadster and the smart Coup� show cars, this open-air mobile from MCC smart once again demonstrates the diverse range of possibilities embraced by the ultra-compact city car concept. The "smart crossblade" is based on the all-weather, all-seasons Cabrio, but uncompromisingly does without any provisions to afford protection from wind and weather. In developing all key aspects of the prototype, the smart designers and development engineers have accorded due consideration to possible road transport licensing - including the smart safety concept.

The appearance and features of this concept car represent a deliberate departure from the conventional all-round requirements for motor vehicles and underline its clear emphasis on fun and leisure. Its technical concept, on the other hand, retains virtually all the defining attributes of the smart city car concept: The "smart crossblade" is compact, safe and economical, and offers high-quality des

ign and workmanship.

The sporty two-seater is only 2590 millimetres in length. It is 1550 millimetres wide and 1450 millimetres high. Its steel TRIDION safety cell has been provided with panelling in the form of newly designed plastic bodypanels. The car is powered by a three-cylinder turbo engine with a cubic capacity of only 599 cc, offering a power output of 60 HP and a maximum torque of 64 lbs-ft. Together with the automated, sequential six-gear transmission, it forms a drive module which is mounted in front of the rear axle. The exhaust system of the "smart crossblade" ends in twin exhaust pipes which protrude from a recess in the centre of the rear apron. The puristic smart fun mobile runs on size 185/45 R 15 tyres, mounted on seven inch wide aluminium wheels in three-spoke design.

:ciao) :ciao)

nel 2002 euro e lira convivevano.
Alucard":3qsb5iqe ha detto:
saran più inavvistabili delle Brera :rotolo)

non ci giurerei :rotolo)

cmq è davvero orribile....
è una macchina estiva, ma non ha nemmeno il parabrezza.....quando sei arrivato a destinazione hai la faccia piena di insetti morti :rotolo)

30.000 euro per trovarmi con uno scatolotto brutto, ke va piano e ke posso usare solo d'estate.....sempre incrociando le dita nella speranza ke non piova :sedia)
Alucard":3lqd5bv4 ha detto:
BRT":3lqd5bv4 ha detto:
Per il momento ho trovato solo questo... (in inglese)
L'auto è stata presentata come concept al 71° salone dell'automobile di ginevra nel 2002, mi sembra strano parlare di prezzi in lire, nel 2002 c'era già l'euro!

At the 71st Automobilsalon in Geneva, the Micro Compact Car smart GmbH (MCC smart) will be presenting the study of an open leisure car uncompromisingly designed for blue skies and high spirits. The fun car is an unconventional vehicle which goes by the name of "smart crossblade". In presenting this study, MCC’s design engineers are demonstrating the broad scope of diversity harboured by the smart concept. The concept car does without a roof, doors and a conventional windscreen. Crossblade drivers cruise along in the open air, enjoying the bracing breeze in their face. The "smart crossblade" appeals to active people for whom fitness and dynamism are indispensable attributes of their leisure pursuits. The car is intended to provide these drivers with an exhilarating feeling of motion such as they can otherwise only experience with rollers under their shoes - on roller blades or skateboards.

The colour scheme of the "smart crossblade" also represents a striking departure from the conventional. Its emphatically sporty bodypanels come in a gloss black finish, contrasting with the matt titanium grey powder-coated finish of the TRIDION safety cell. The grilles of the air inlets at the front and the cover for the silencer in the rear spoiler also feature a titanium grey finish. Plastic interior trims in am identical grey tone provide for colour-coordinated highlights. In contrast, the seats feature firey red upholstery. The discrete leather fittings are dyed black. A transparent wind shield which looks like the visor of a helmet is fitted over the cockpit area. The "smart crossblade" has adopted the double elliptical front headlamps from the Cabrio. The special rear lights on the study consist of LED fittings under clear glass covers.

Following the smart roadster and the smart Coup� show cars, this open-air mobile from MCC smart once again demonstrates the diverse range of possibilities embraced by the ultra-compact city car concept. The "smart crossblade" is based on the all-weather, all-seasons Cabrio, but uncompromisingly does without any provisions to afford protection from wind and weather. In developing all key aspects of the prototype, the smart designers and development engineers have accorded due consideration to possible road transport licensing - including the smart safety concept.

The appearance and features of this concept car represent a deliberate departure from the conventional all-round requirements for motor vehicles and underline its clear emphasis on fun and leisure. Its technical concept, on the other hand, retains virtually all the defining attributes of the smart city car concept: The "smart crossblade" is compact, safe and economical, and offers high-quality des

ign and workmanship.

The sporty two-seater is only 2590 millimetres in length. It is 1550 millimetres wide and 1450 millimetres high. Its steel TRIDION safety cell has been provided with panelling in the form of newly designed plastic bodypanels. The car is powered by a three-cylinder turbo engine with a cubic capacity of only 599 cc, offering a power output of 60 HP and a maximum torque of 64 lbs-ft. Together with the automated, sequential six-gear transmission, it forms a drive module which is mounted in front of the rear axle. The exhaust system of the "smart crossblade" ends in twin exhaust pipes which protrude from a recess in the centre of the rear apron. The puristic smart fun mobile runs on size 185/45 R 15 tyres, mounted on seven inch wide aluminium wheels in three-spoke design.

:ciao) :ciao)

In effetti hai ragione! c'erano tutti e due...
però, anche per allora 25 milioni di lire non mi sembravano proprio spropositati...
Comunque costava 21000€.... questa è proprio una cifra spropositata!
Ne ho trovata in vendita una del 2003 con 4000km a 13.500€ e una immatricolata nel 2006 ma non dichiarano il prezzo.
:ciao) :ciao)

nel 2002 euro e lira convivevano.
A Mykonos ce ne sono sempre 2, le usano per fare pubblicità ad altrettanti locali! :asd)
non costava 30mila ma 25.000 mi pare in italia.

cmq ne vidi una a napoli tempo fa...

le veline vecchie mi sembra ne avessero una...
complimenti a chi l'ha comprata :matto) fortunatamente da queste parti non ne ho mai vista una :OK) un cocktail di zanzare, falene e quant'altro magari fa bene alla pelle :asd)
ne ho vista una ieri a Milano , la guidava un tamarro .... secondo me era noleggiata anche se non aveva adesivi vari , dai bisogna essere cretini ad acquistare quell'auto ... posso capire un riccone , che la utilizza in un posto di mare ... ma in città ... mi pare ridicolo anche troppo ...
pyro":nhbukais ha detto:
A Mykonos ce ne sono sempre 2, le usano per fare pubblicità ad altrettanti locali! :asd)

Mykonos? L'isola dei ricc..oni! in effetti mi sa molto di macchina per donne o ricc..oni...
:ciao) :ciao)
mancio83":2gvy0h57 ha detto:
non costava 30mila ma 25.000 mi pare in italia.

cmq ne vidi una a napoli tempo fa...

le veline vecchie mi sembra ne avessero una...

Mi sono già corretto qualche post più su... nel 2002 costava 21.000€
P.S. W le GTA col cambio manuale! :sarcastic)
:ciao) :ciao)