Creare un Cubo 3D


Nuovo Alfista
19 Ottobre 2004
Ciao .. ho un piccolo problemino.. vorrei creare un Cubo 3d con qualche gioco di luce, tipo riflessi di lampade ect ect..
nn so da dove partire.. pero vorei che sembrasse il piu reale possibile!

nn so se sono stato chiaro...

hoprovato blender.. ma è troppo complesso.. o meglio.. ci va trppo tempo..

non e' che qualcuno potrebbe darmi una mano?

Blender è gratuito, non mi piace l'interfaccia, da incapace totale mi sono trovato bene con 3d studiomax, su internet è pieno di tutorial (anche video) che ti spiegano come fare. il problema che studiomax è a pagamento..

ciao :OK)
AccartocciAlfa":2glbt524 ha detto:
allora ho usato cinema4d.. tutta un'altra storia rispetto ablender... e ci sono riuscito con una facilita estrema!!!!

lo potete vedere su nel logo in alto
Ma ROTFL... per fare quello ti consigliavo una delle mie librerie in ASSEMBLER che scrissi una decina di anni fa :asd)

e ma io sono un piccolo figlio irsuto della della Dea ignoranza... :baby)
mov cx,dx
add cx
sub cubo
int 12
bleeeeeee :tippen) ... diciamo che nn è il max.. preferisco fare l'utente microsoft e trovare gia tutto pronto e fatto!!!! :culo)
AccartocciAlfa":1jvq497m ha detto:

e ma io sono un piccolo figlio irsuto della della Dea ignoranza... :baby)
mov cx,dx
add cx
sub cubo
int 12
bleeeeeee :tippen) ... diciamo che nn è il max.. preferisco fare l'utente microsoft e trovare gia tutto pronto e fatto!!!! :culo)
volevi forse dire...


INCLUDE "model.mac" ; Memory model macros

header svga ; Set up memory model

CRTC EQU 3D4h ; Port of CRTC registers

begdataseg svga

$EXTRN _maxcolor,DWORD
$EXTRN _bytesperline,WORD
$EXTRN _pagesize,DWORD
$EXTRN _bankSwitch,DWORD
$EXTRN _extendedflipping,BOOL
$EXTRN _bankAdjust,INTEGER
$EXTRN _writeBank,DWORD ; Relocated write bank routine
$EXTRN _readBank,DWORD ; Relocated read bank routine
$EXTRN _screenPtr,DWORD ; Start of display memory

OriginOffset dw 0 ; Offset within video buffer
BankOffset dw 0 ; Starting bank in video memory

enddataseg svga

begcodeseg svga

; void putPixel16(int x,int y,long color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __putPixel16


enter_c 0

; Compute the pixel's address in video buffer

mov ax,[y]
mov bx,[x]
mul [_bytesperline] ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine

mov cl,bl ; CL := low-order byte of x

shr bx,3 ; _BX := x/8
add bx,ax
adc dx,0 ; DX:BX := y*BytesPerLine + x/8
add bx,[OriginOffset] ; DX:BX := byte offset in video buffer
adc dx,[BankOffset]

cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov ax,dx
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov ah,1 ; AH := unshifted bit mask
and cl,7 ; CL := x & 7
xor cl,7 ; CL := # bits to shift left

; set Graphics Controller Bit Mask register

shl ah,cl ; AH := bit mask in proper postion
mov dx,3CEh ; GC address register port
mov al,8 ; AL := Bit Mask Register number
out dx,ax

; set Graphics Controller Mode register

mov ax,0205h ; AL := Mode register number
; AH := Write mode 2 (bits 0,1)
; Read mode 0 (bit 3)
out dx,ax

; set data rotate/Function Select register

mov ax,3 ; AL := Data Rotate/Func select reg #
out dx,ax

; set the pixel value

mov al,[es] ; latch one byte from each bit plane
mov al,[BYTE color] ; AL := pixel value
mov [es],al ; update all bit planes

; restore default Graphics Controller registers

mov ax,0FF08h ; default bit mask
out dx,ax

mov ax,0005 ; default mode register
out dx,ax

mov ax,0003 ; default function select
out dx,ax


procend __putPixel16

; void putPixel256(int x,int y,long color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __putPixel256


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
add ax,[WORD x]
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov ax,dx
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov al,[BYTE color]
mov [es],al ; Replace the pixel


procend __putPixel256

; void putPixel32k(int x,int y,long color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __putPixel32k


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
mov bx,[x]
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 2
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov ax,[WORD color]
mov [es],ax ; Replace the pixel


procend __putPixel32k

procstart __putPixel32k640


enter_c 0

movzx eax,[y]
mov bx,[x]

mov edx,eax

shl eax,10
shl edx,8

add edx,eax

shl bx,1

mov ax,dx
shr edx,16

add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 2
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov ax,[WORD color]
mov [es],ax ; Replace the pixel


procend __putPixel32k640

; void putPixel16m(int x,int y,long color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __putPixel16m


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
mov bx,[x]
add ax,bx
adc dx,0
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 3
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov al,[BYTE color]
mov [es],al ; Replace the first byte
cmp bx,0FFFFh
jne @@NotSplit1

; Arrghh!! We have a case where a single pixel can be split across a
; bank boundary, if the bytes per line value is 1920. This can cause the
; machine to hang (and produce strange pixels).

inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank ; Change video banks

mov al,[BYTE color+1]
mov [es:bx+1],al ; Replace the middle
cmp bx,0FFFEh
jne @@NotSplit2

inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank ; Change video banks

mov al,[BYTE color+2]
mov [es:bx+2],al ; Replace the last byte


procend __putPixel16m

; void clear16(void)
; Routine to clear the screen. Works even if the display contains more than
; one bank, so will work for 1024x768 and 1280x1024 video modes.
procstart __clear16

enter_c 0

; Setup graphics controller

mov dx,3CEh ; DX := Graphics Controller I/O port

mov ah,0 ; AH := Background color
xor al,al ; AL := 0 (Set/Reset register number)
out dx,ax ; load set/reset register

mov ax,0F01h ; AH := 1111b (mask for Enable set/reset)
; AL := 1 (enable Set/reset reg number)
out dx,ax ; load enable set/reset reg

mov ax,[_maxy]
inc ax
mul [_bytesperline] ; DX:AX := number of bytes to fill
mov bx,ax ; BX := bytes in last bank to fill
mov dh,dl ; DH := number of full banks to fill

les di,[_screenPtr] ; ES:DI -> start of video buffer
add di,[OriginOffset]
xor ax,ax
mov ax,[BankOffset] ; AX := starting bank number
cld ; Moves go up in memory

or dh,dh ; More than one bank to fill?
jz @@SingleBank ; No, only fill a single bank

; Fill all of the full 64k banks first

push di
call setBank
mov cx,4000h ; Need to set 4000h double words per bank
rep stosd
pop di
inc al
dec dh
jnz @@OuterLoop

; Now fill the last partial bank

call setBank
xor cx,cx
mov cx,bx
shr cx,2 ; _CX := number of double words to set
rep stosd

; Restore graphics controller

mov dx,3CEh ; DX := Graphics Controller I/O port
xor ax,ax ; AH := 0, AL := 0
out dx,ax ; Restore default Set/Reset register

inc ax ; AH := 0, AL := 1
out dx,ax ; Restore enable Set/Reset register


procend __clear16

; void clear256(void)
; Routine to clear the screen. Assumes pages begin on bank boundaries
; for simplicity of coding.
procstart __clear256

enter_c 0

mov ax,[_maxy]
inc ax
mul [_bytesperline] ; DX:AX := number of bytes to fill
mov bx,ax ; BX := bytes in last bank to fill
mov dh,dl ; DH := number of full banks to fill

les di,[_screenPtr] ; ES:DI -> video buffer
add di,[OriginOffset]
mov dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := starting bank number
cld ; Moves go up in memory

or dh,dh ; More than one bank to fill?
jz @@SingleBank ; No, only fill a single bank

; Fill all of the full 64k banks first

push di
mov al,dl
call setBank
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
mov cx,4000h ; Need to set 4000h double words per bank
rep stosd
pop di
inc dl
dec dh
jnz @@OuterLoop

; Now fill the last partial bank

mov al,dl
call setBank
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
xor cx,cx
mov cx,bx
shr cx,2 ; _CX := number of double words to set
rep stosd


procend __clear256

; void clear32k(void)
; Routine to clear the screen. Assumes pages begin on bank boundaries
; for simplicity of coding.
procstart __clear32k

enter_c 0

mov ax,[_maxy]
inc ax
mul [_bytesperline] ; DX:AX := number of bytes to fill
mov bx,ax ; BX := bytes in last bank to fill
mov dh,dl ; DH := number of full banks to fill

les di,[_screenPtr] ; ES:DI -> video buffer
add di,[OriginOffset]
mov dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := starting bank number
cld ; Moves go up in memory

; Fill all of the full 64k banks first

push di
mov al,dl
call setBank
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
mov cx,4000h ; Need to set 4000h double words per bank
rep stosd
pop di
inc dl
dec dh
jnz @@OuterLoop

; Now fill the last partial bank

mov al,dl
call setBank
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
xor cx,cx
mov cx,bx
shr cx,2 ; _CX := number of double words to set
rep stosd


procend __clear32k

; void clear16m(void)
; Routine to clear the screen. Assumes pages begin on bank boundaries
; for simplicity of coding.
procstart __clear16m

enter_c 0

mov ax,[_maxy]
inc ax
mul [_bytesperline] ; DX:AX := number of bytes to fill
mov bx,ax ; BX := bytes in last bank to fill
mov dh,dl ; DH := number of full banks to fill

les di,[_screenPtr] ; ES:DI -> video buffer
add di,[OriginOffset]
mov dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := starting bank number
cld ; Moves go up in memory

; Fill all of the full 64k banks first

push di
mov al,dl
call setBank
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
mov cx,4000h ; Need to set 4000h double words per bank
rep stosd
pop di
inc dl
dec dh
jnz @@OuterLoop

; Now fill the last partial bank

mov al,dl
call setBank
xor eax,eax ; Clear to black
xor cx,cx
mov cx,bx
shr cx,2 ; _CX := number of double words to set
rep stosd


procend __clear16m

; void setActivePage(int which)
; Routine to set the video page for active output.
; Entry: page - Page number of page to use
procstart _setActivePage


enter_c 0

; Calculate 18 bit address of page in video memory

xor eax,eax
mov ax,[which] ; EAX := page number
mul [_pagesize] ; EDX:EAX := result
mov [OriginOffset],ax ; Save video buffer offset
shr eax,16
mov [BankOffset],ax ; Save video bank offset


procend _setActivePage

; void setVisualPage(int which)
; Routine to set the visible video page.
; Entry: page - Page number of page to use
procstart _setVisualPage


enter_c 0

; Calculate 18 bit address of page in video memory

xor eax,eax
mov ax,[which] ; EAX := page number
mul [_pagesize] ; EAX := starting address in memory
mov edx,eax
shr edx,16 ; DX:AX := starting address in memory

cmp [_extendedflipping],0
je @@VGAFlip ; We have no extended page flipping

div [_bytesperline] ; AX := starting scanline,
; DX := starting byte
mov cx,dx
cmp [WORD _maxcolor],0Fh
je @@16Color
cmp [WORD _maxcolor],0FFh
je @@SetIt
cmp [WORD _maxcolor+2],0FFh
je @@16MColor

shr cx,1 ; CX := starting pixel in buffer
jmp @@SetIt

shl cx,3 ; CX := starting pixel in buffer
jmp @@SetIt

mov bx,ax ; Preserve AX
xor dx,dx
mov ax,cx
mov cx,3
div cx
mov cx,ax ; CX := starting pixel in buffer
mov ax,bx ; Restore AX

mov bx,ax ; BX := starting scanline in buffer

; Wait for display enable to be active (active low), to be sure that
; both halves of the start address will take place in one frame.

mov dx,03DAh ; DX := video status port

in al,dx
test al,1
jnz @@WaitDEVBE ; Wait for Display Enable

mov ax,04F07h
mov dx,bx ; DX := starting scanline number
xor bx,bx ; BX := 0 - set display start
int 10h ; Set the display start address
jmp @@Done

mov bx,ax ; BX := bottom 16 bits of address

; Wait for display enable to be active (active low), to be sure that
; both halves of the start address will take place in one frame. We
; preload a few values here to save time after the DE has been
; detected.

mov cl,0Ch ; CL := Start Address High register
mov ch,bh ; CH := high byte of new address
mov bh,bl ; BH := low byte of new address
mov bl,0Dh ; BL := Start Address Low register
mov dx,03DAh ; DX := video status port

in al,dx
test al,1
jnz @@WaitDEVGA ; Wait for Display Enable

mov dx,03D4h ; DX := CRTC I/O port (3D4h)
mov ax,bx
out dx,ax
mov ax,cx
out dx,ax

; Now wait for the start of the vertical sync, to ensure that the old
; page will be invisible before anything is drawn on it.

mov dx,03DAh ; DX := video status port
in al,dx ; Wait for start of vertical retrace
test al,8
jz @@WaitStartVert


procend _setVisualPage

; setBank Sets the read/write bank from assembly language
; Entry: _AX - New read/write bank number
; Exit: _AX - New read/write bank number
; Registers: All preserved!
; Note that some VESA BIOSes and TSR's set the first window to be
; write only and the second window to be read only, so we need to set both
; windows for most common operations to the same value. The Universal
; VESA VBE sets both the read and write banks to the same value for
; Window A, and changed the read bank only for Window B, hence the second
; call is _not_ required when the Universal VESA VBE is installed. You can
; determine what the window does by looking at the WindowAAttributes in
; the SuperVGAInfo block returned by function 00h. You could use this
; information to optimise bank switching when using faster VBE's like
; the Universal VESA VBE (but I have no bothered to do that here).
procstart setBank

mov [_curBank],ax ; Save current write bank number
cmp [_writeBank],0
je @@VESABank
call [_writeBank] ; Call relocated version

push ax
push bx
push dx
mul [_bankAdjust] ; Adjust to VESA granularity
push ax
mov dx,ax ; DX := bank number
xor bx,bx ; BX := select window A
cmp [_bankSwitch],0
je @@UseInt10

call [_bankSwitch] ; Set write window
pop dx
inc bx
call [_bankSwitch] ; Set read window
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax

; Use the int 10h interface if the bankSwitch routine is NULL, which will
; be the case in protected mode until VBE 2.0

mov ax,04F05h
int 10h
pop dx
inc bx
mov ax,04F05h
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax

procend setBank

; setReadBank Sets the read bank from assembly language
; Entry: AX - New read bank number
; Exit: AX - New read bank number
; Registers: All preserved!
procstart setReadBank

mov [_curBank],-1 ; Ensure banking will be re-loaded
cmp [_readBank],0
je @@VESABank
call [_readBank] ; Call relocated version

push ax
push bx
push dx
mul [_bankAdjust] ; Adjust to VESA granularity
mov dx,ax ; DX := bank number
mov bx,1 ; BX := select window B
cmp [_bankSwitch],0
je @@UseInt10

call [_bankSwitch] ; Set read window
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax

; Use the int 10h interface if the bankSwitch routine is NULL, which will
; be the case in protected mode until VBE 2.0

mov ax,04F05h
int 10h
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax

procend setReadBank

; void setBank(int bank)
; Sets the new read/write bank number from C
procstart _setBank


push bp
mov bp,_sp
mov ax,[bank]
call setBank
pop bp

procend _setBank

; void setReadBank(int bank)
; Sets the new reading bank number from C
procstart _setReadBank


push bp
mov bp,_sp
mov ax,[bank]
call setReadBank
pop bp

procend _setReadBank

; void getPixel256(int x,int y,long* color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __getPixel256


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
add ax,[WORD x]
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov ax,dx
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov al,[es] ; Replace the pixel
les bx,[bp+10]
mov es:[bx],al
xor ax,ax
inc bx
mov es:[bx],al
inc bx
mov es:[bx],ax


procend __getPixel256
; long getPixel32k(int x,int y)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __getPixel32k


enter_c 0
mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
mov bx,[x]
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 2
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov ax,[es] ; get the pixel

les bx,[bp+10]
mov es:[bx],ax
inc bx
inc bx
xor ax,ax
mov es:[bx],ax


procend __getPixel32k

procstart __getPixel16m


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
mov bx,[x]
add ax,bx
adc dx,0
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 3
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov al,[es] ; get the first byte

push bx
push es

les bx,[bp+10]
mov es:[bx],al

pop es
pop bx

cmp bx,0FFFFh
jne @@NotSplit1

; Arrghh!! We have a case where a single pixel can be split across a
; bank boundary, if the bytes per line value is 1920. This can cause the
; machine to hang (and produce strange pixels).

inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank ; Change video banks

mov al,[es:bx+1] ; Replace the middle

push bx
push es

les bx,[bp+10]
inc bx
mov es:[bx],al

pop es
pop bx

cmp bx,0FFFEh
jne @@NotSplit2

inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank ; Change video banks

xor ax,ax
mov al,[es:bx+2] ; Replace the last byte

les bx,[bp+10]
inc bx
inc bx
mov es:[bx],ax


procend __getPixel16m

procstart __getPixel16


enter_c 0

; Compute the pixel's address in video buffer

mov ax,[y]
mov bx,[x]
mul [_bytesperline] ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine

mov cl,bl ; CL := low-order byte of x

shr bx,3 ; _BX := x/8
add bx,ax
adc dx,0 ; DX:BX := y*BytesPerLine + x/8
add bx,[OriginOffset] ; DX:BX := byte offset in video buffer
adc dx,[BankOffset]

cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov ax,dx
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov ah,1 ; AH := unshifted bit mask
and cl,7 ; CL := x & 7
xor cl,7 ; CL := # bits to shift left

; set Graphics Controller Bit Mask register

shl ah,cl ; AH := bit mask in proper postion
mov dx,3CEh ; GC address register port
mov al,8 ; AL := Bit Mask Register number
out dx,ax

; set Graphics Controller Mode register

mov ax,0205h ; AL := Mode register number
; AH := Write mode 2 (bits 0,1)
; Read mode 0 (bit 3)
out dx,ax

; set data rotate/Function Select register

mov ax,3 ; AL := Data Rotate/Func select reg #
out dx,ax

; set the pixel value
xor ax,ax
mov al,[es] ; latch one byte from each bit plane

push bx
push es

les bx,[bp+10]
inc bx
mov es:[bx],ax

pop es
pop bx

; restore default Graphics Controller registers

mov ax,0FF08h ; default bit mask
out dx,ax

mov ax,0005 ; default mode register
out dx,ax

mov ax,0003 ; default function select
out dx,ax

les bx,[bp+10]
inc bx
inc bx
xor ax,ax
mov es:[bx],ax


procend __getPixel16

; void fillPixel32k(int x,int y,int counter,long color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; counter - how many pixel to be filled
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __fillPixel32k


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
mov bx,[x]
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 2
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov ax,[WORD color]

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]

mov cx,[WORD counter]


mov [es],ax ; Replace the pixel
inc bx
jz @@shitty_bank
inc bx
jz @@shitty_bank

dec cx
jnz @@cicle
jz @@end
inc dl
mov fs,ax
xor ax,ax
mov al,dl
call setBank
mov ax,fs
dec cx
jnz @@cicle


procend __fillPixel32k

; void fillPixel16m(int x,int y,int counter,long color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; counter - pixel to be filled
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __fillPixel16m


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
mov bx,[x]
add ax,bx
adc dx,0
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 3
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]

mov cx,[WORD counter]

mov ax,[WORD color]
mov dh,[BYTE color+2]
cmp bx,0FFFDh
jnb @@splitted

mov [es],ax
mov [es:bx+2],dh
add bx,3
dec cx
jnz @@cicle
jz @@end

mov [es],al
inc bx
jnz @@not_split1
inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank

mov [es],ah

inc bx
jnz @@not_split2
inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank
mov [es],dh
inc bx
jnz @@cicle

inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank
jmp @@cicle



procend __fillPixel16m
procstart __fillPixel256


enter_c 0

mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
add ax,[WORD x]
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x
add ax,[OriginOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE BankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov ax,dx
call setBank


mov cx,[WORD counter]
mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov al,[BYTE color]


mov [es],al ; Replace the pixel
inc bx
jz @@new_bank
dec cx
jnz @@cicle
jz @@end
mov fs,ax
inc dl
mov al,dl
call setBank
mov ax,fs
jmp @@cicle

procend __fillPixel256

; void putPixel4G(int x,int y,long color)
; Routine sets the value of a pixel in native VGA graphics modes.
; Entry: x - X coordinate of pixel to draw
; y - Y coordinate of pixel to draw
; color - Color of pixel to draw
procstart __putPixel4G


enter_c 0
mov ax,[y]
mul [_bytesperline]
mov bx,[x]
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
add ax,bx
adc dx,0 ; DX:AX := y * BytesPerLine + x * 4
add ax,[originOffset]
adc dl,[BYTE bankOffset]; DL := bank number
mov bx,ax ; BX := Offset in buffer
cmp dl,[BYTE _curBank]
je @@NoChange

mov al,dl
call setBank

mov eax,[color]
mov es,[WORD _screenPtr+2]
mov [es],eax ; Replace the pixel


procend __putPixel4G

; void clear4G(long color)
; Routine to clear the screen. Assumes pages begin on bank boundaries
; for simplicity of coding.
procstart __clear4G


enter_c 0
push es

mov ax,[_maxy]
inc ax
mul [_bytesperline] ; DX:AX := number of bytes to fill
mov bx,ax ; BX := bytes in last bank to fill
mov dh,dl ; DH := number of full banks to fill

mov ax,fs
mov es,ax
xor di,di ; ES:_DI -> start of video memory
add di,[originOffset]
mov dl,[BYTE bankOffset]; DL := starting bank number
cld ; Moves go up in memory

; Fill all of the full 64k banks first

mov al,dl
call setBank
mov eax,[color]
mov cx,4000h ; Need to set 4000h double USHORTs per bank
rep stosd
xor di,di
inc dl
dec dh
jnz @@OuterLoop

; Now fill the last partial bank

mov al,dl
call setBank
mov eax,[color]
xor cx,cx
mov cx,bx
shr cx,2 ; _CX := number of double USHORTs to set
rep stosd

pop es

procend __clear4G

endcodeseg svga


PS non trovo più la libreria 3D!!! :mecry)
Ahhhh! La putpixel ottimizzata!! :crepap) :crepap)

Mi sembra essere tornato ai bei tempi in cui gli Apocalypse Design (ai tempi si facevano chiamare Day Zero Deflection) proclamavano l'imminente rilascio della loro demo, che "avrebbe fatto diventare obsoleto ogni altro concetto di design"!
Stendo un velo pietoso su cosa tirarono fuori alla fine ma, a chi sapesse di cosa sto parlando, lascio una chicca senza tempo... il celeberrimo D0D Log! ... d0dlog.htm

buon divertimento :p